The University of Canberra is looking for men over the age of 18 diagnosed with prostate cancer and currently receiving primary Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT).
The project led by a team of researchers including Alanah Pike – an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and PhD student at the University of Canberra, aims to explore the effect of physical activity on cognitive function and brain health in prostate cancer survivors.
Who can participate?
Males over the age of 18, diagnosed with prostate cancer and currently receiving primary Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) for either metastatic or nonmetastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
To be included, you must also meet the following criteria:
• Have had at least one dose of ADT in the last 6 months, with life expectancy of >12 months
• no chemotherapy or radiation within the last 3 months
• not currently receiving steroids equivalent to >10 mg of prednisolone a day
• no opioid-based medication within the last 28 days
What is involved?
Eight weeks of fully supervised physical and cognitive training
• (2x ~1hour sessions per week each)
Pre- and post- intervention testing including:
• Blood test at a pathology clinic
• In person questionnaires
• Cognitive and physical fitness assessments
*Participants will receive a $360 gift card upon completion of the study.
To view the participant information and participation consent form, click here.
For further information, contact the study team at: | 0405 645 139 or Professor Ben Rattray via