Rhys and Alex’s epic 250km ride this Daffodil Day

Rhys and Alex’s epic 250km ride this Daffodil Day

Rhys, now 18, was diagnosed with Leukemia at two years old. For two years, Rhys underwent intensive treatment - a tough battle no child or their family should ever have to face. Rhys’ treatment was only available in Sydney, which meant regular and long travel for Rhys and his parents. A huge toll on any family with a small child; but with no choice, they gave it their all to cure Rhys.

Rhys doesn’t remember much from this period in his life, but he knows this would have had a big impact on his family and acknowledges their love, support and determination to fight his diagnosis.

Due to his treatment, as well as experiencing many other side-effects, Rhys had to relearn to walk. Fast forward to 2024 and Rhys is planning the ultimate physical challenge. In recognition of Rhy’s own journey and supporting their loved ones who have also been affected by cancer, Rhys and his childhood friend, Alex, have set themselves an incredible challenge to raise funds for life saving cancer-research.

Both Rhys and Alex, novices in long-distance cycling (describing themselves as “inexperienced” for their challenge - their words not ours!), are aiming to ride 250kms in 24 hours to give hope this Daffodil Day. Rhys is using his Dad’s mountain bike and Alex has borrowed his Dad’s cycling gear. They have been training to get themselves ready for the epic ride which they aim to complete on Thursday 22 August 2024, the official day for Daffodil Day.

Rhys says, “we’re both out of our comfort zones.  It’s a massive challenge physically, but it doesn’t even come close to the fight cancer patients face, day in day out”.

Their decision to take on 250kms in 24 hours was inspired by friends attempting the same distance over a month. Rhys said, “if they can do it in a month, let’s try do it in a day!

We can’t wait to keep up with their challenge and wish them all the luck for the big ride on Thursday 22 August. To learn more about their journey and find out how you can support Rhys and Alex, please click here.

We know that research works, and we know it is already helping to save lives every day. While we have come such a long way, we still have so much more to do to ensure people like Rhys have hope after a cancer diagnosis.


This Daffodil Day, please give to cancer research and help find the breakthroughs needed to save lives. For more information or to get involved, visit daffodilday.com.au  

Together, it’s all of us against cancer.