Cancer Council ACT provides a range of free cancer information resources including booklets, brochures and our cancer services directory.
Cancer Council ACT provide a free information pack designed for people recently diagnosed with cancer. It contains useful booklets and information and is available through your doctor or treatment team.
For resources not listed here, for more information, or to request a free copy of a booklet, please contact Cancer Council on 13 11 20.

Cancer Types Resources
Booklets and fact sheets with information to support both practical and emotional needs of those impacted by cancer.

Cancer Treatment Resources
Booklets and fact sheets with information to support both practical and emotional needs of those impacted by cancer.

Living with Cancer Resources
Booklets and fact sheets with information to support both practical and emotional needs of those impacted by cancer.

Cancer Services Directory
A guide to cancer related services in the ACT and surrounding area for people with cancer

Cancer and COVID-19
Information on COVID-19 for people undergoing cancer treatment, cancer survivors and their families and friends

Multilingual Cancer Information
Find cancer resources about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and managing side effects in nine community languages.

A series of informative podcasts that are designed for people affected by cancer, including carers, families and friends of those living with cancer.