Lets chat cancer and nutrition webpage banner

We are excited to announce the launch of Cancer Council ACT's Let's chat Cancer mini podcast series with the first chapter focusing on cancer and nutrition. These bite-sized episodes are designed to provide you with valuable insights, tips and expert advice on the role of nutrition during and after a cancer diagnosis.

Our mini podcasts are hosted by our dedicated cancer support coordinators Kathlene and Ash, whose background in oncology and nutrition ensures that each episode is packed with information and actionable advice that can be incorporate into your daily life.

Whether you're a patient, a caregiver, a loved one or simply interested in learning more about cancer and nutrition, our Let's chat Cancer & Nutrition mini podcasts are tailored for you.

Listen on the go or at your leisure on Spotify, YouTube or by clicking the links below. 

Episode 1 Loss of appetite 5

Loss of appetite

In this introduction, Kathlene and Ash offer helpful tips on how to manage loss of appetite during and after cancer treatment.

Podcast Ep.2 Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting

This episode explores practical nutritional tips including advice on meal sizes, food choices and complementary remedies.

Episode 3 Healthy eating and cancer v2

Healthy eating and cancer

Kathlene and Ash provide insight into what makes up a balanced diet and the benefits of following the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Podcast Ep.4 Part 1 Adding nutrition to the diet

Part 1: Adding nutrition to the diet

This episode covers the five food groups, focusing on adding grains and vegetables to boost energy and manage fatigue during and after cancer treatment.

Podcast Ep v2.5 Part 2 Adding nutrition to the diet

Part 2: Adding nutrition to the diet

Kathlene and Ash continue their discussion on practical ways to add nutrition to your diet. This time they delve into fruits, proteins, legumes and dairy.

Episode 6 Common questions and myths

Common questions and myths

In the final episode of this mini podcast series, Kathlene and Ash debunk some of the most common myths surrounding food and cancer.