Community and Events
All outdoor events have an interest in providing a safe and enjoyable experience for patrons, staff, and volunteers, and including UV protection in event planning can help improve safety and enjoyment significantly.
Canberra outdoor event organisers have a duty of care to protect patrons, and a legal responsibility to protect workers and volunteers under WH&S, and so reducing exposure to UV radiation should be addressed in any risk management plan.
The SunSmart festivals and outdoor events checklist may guide event organisers in the inclusion of UV protection in the planning phase, with some key considerations below;
- Have a UV protection policy in place to protect workers from UV related skin damage
- Make sure to plan sufficient shad for patrons and workers
- Provide sunscreen onsite or prompt patrons to bring their own as part of your communications plan
- Encourage patrons to wear sun safe clothing, including hats and sunglasses
- Consider hosting the event outside of the peak UV time of 11am – 3pm.
- Provide information on the UV index during the event, and include the SunSmart widget on your event website
- Ensure all workers are aware of the danger of UV exposure and require them to:
- wear sensible uniform/clothing that covers as much skin as possible
- wear a broad brimmed or bucket hat, baseball style caps are not recommended
- have access to sunscreen and shade, and
- wear a close-fitting wrap-around pair of sunnies to protect their eyes.
You can also book the SunSmart Events Package for your next event for free! It includes:
- A 3m x 3m shade marquee
- A free sunscreen allocation as well as a discount on any extra sunscreen purchased
- Posters/brochures and other resources that promote UV safety and skin cancer awareness.