The "Quitting Together" journey
The "Quitting Together" program is open to organisations and to individual services, and so we invite even discrete programs within a broader organisation to register. Below is an outline of what the typical "Quitting Together" journey will look like for your team;
- Sign-up - Use our form below to register your service or organisation and we'll get in touch to find out how we can help.
- Service Snapshot - Where is your service at now? We provide an anonymous snapshot survey to find out how quit support is currently delivered, so we can measure the difference the program makes.
- Delivery - Promoting help-seeking and brief intervention support. We provide free brief intervention training for staff, and deliver tailored, non-judgemental discussions with client groups about making a quit attempt along-side their current treatment goals.
- Maintenance - Embedding quit vaping and smoking support in your service or organisation. We provide policy and procedure support, as well as follow-up education and training to ensure clients feel safe and supported to talk about making a quit attempt.
- Evaluation - Where did we end up? We provide a follow-up evaluation to show the benefits to your service, clients, and staff for committing to the "Quitting Together" program.