A free education and training program to support students and schools
Schools provide education and support for the physical and mental health of young people through in-class learning and trusted support staff and teachers. We want to work with teachers, school health nurses, pastoral care, school administration, and parents and carers to make the school community a place where young people are empowered to engage in healthy decisions, and supported and encouraged to seek help when they need it.
Vaping and nicotine dependence present a new challenge in supporting the wellbeing of school-aged young people in the ACT. This program seeks to empower everyone in school communities across Canberra to play a role in diverting young people away from the harms of nicotine dependence through education and training. If you want to know more about the program contact us below, or request a visit from our team to chat about how we can tailor our free VAPE Support Schools program to your school.

What is the "VAPE Support - Schools" Program?
Cancer Council ACT are delivering the VAPE Support - Schools program in the ACT as part of the ACT Health Directorate Healthy Canberra Grants. The program is free for all high schools and colleges in the ACT, and comprises 3 main pillars;
1. Organisational support to embed quit smoking and vaping guidance in the school and school community.
2. Curriculum-linked education sessions to prevent uptake and encourage quit attempts in students, or inform school communities on vaping and nicotine issues. These can be presented in-class, or during whole-of-year activities such as pastoral care.
3. Brief intervention training for educators, support staff, and the school community to empower them to deliver safe and effective quit support.
The VAPE Support - Schools Journey
VAPE Support - Schools works with your school, and your school community, to ensure young people do not take up vaping or nicotine products, and are supported to quit when they decide to seek help. Our team will work with your school to:
- Get a snapshot of how and where support is currently delivered and the needs of the school community. You can find a link to a test survey here if you'd like to know what we are measuring.
- Discuss which of our free services will suit your school and students best.
- Provide education for students in class that is aligned with the curriculum and the existing ACT Health Directorate content. You can read more about the education sessions here.
- Provide information to school communities, and training for educators and staff to deliver safe and effective quit support to young people. You can find out more about our brief intervention training here.
- Provide policy support to help embed smoking, vaping, and nicotine dependence support in school health practices. Read more at our policy section here.