Free policy guidance through Vape Support Schools

While ACT schools are required to be smoke- and vape-free places, dealing with instances of vaping and smoking in schools is not always clear-cut. Our team can work with your school to create a clear policy that outlines the steps to be taken by any staff who identify student vaping or smoking as an issue. We can work with your school administration and executive team to incorporate therapeutic pathways into the policy, so that any school-mandated disciplinary action is also delivered along-side a safe and effective pathway for help and support to reduce or quit nicotine dependence.

Tips for school vaping policies

Smoking and vaping policies in schools are one of the most effective and inexpensive measures at preventing uptake, and reducing use of all nicotine products. School policies which are successful incorporate a comprehensive approach to nicotine product use, as well as generate engagement and buy-in from the entire school community. Our top tips for a successful school vaping and smoking policy are;

  1. The policy should be for everyone in the school community; students, staff, and visitors.

  2. Enforce a complete smoke-free environment so that smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere within sight of school grounds, and students are prohibited from smoking or vaping in uniform.

  3. Policies need to be complemented with education, prevention and counselling. While it is expected that schools will strongly enforce school policies, support should also be offered to students and staff to enable them to meet the requirements.

  4. Consistent application of the policy is essential, including making sure it is written so that all students know what is expected of them, and all staff have a clear process to follow when breaches are identified.

  5. Staff and community buy-in are essential as a policy is only as strong as the people applying it. A policy is much more likely to be successful if staff feel it is part of their role and duties, and that it leads to positive outcomes.

Develop a smoke and vape-free policy

If you'd like our team to help your school develop a comprehensive policy for smoking and vaping, get in touch with us and let us know how we can help your students best.