Emotional Support
Support groups provide a safe place for people affected by cancer to talk to others in a similar situation in a confidential and supportive environment.
Cancer Connect is a free and confidential telephone peer support service where we can link people with specially trained volunteers who have had a similar cancer experience. It is available for people newly diagnosed with cancer, those undergoing cancer treatment and for people having trouble with cancer survivorship issues.
Cancer Council Online Community is a professionally moderated online support community where people affected by cancer can find, receive and provide support by participating in groups, discussions, blogs and webinars.
If you would like to help to get connected, please call Cancer Council 13 11 20 or visit: https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/get-support/connect-with-others/
Cancer Connect is a free and confidential telephone peer support service where we can link people with volunteers who have had a similar cancer experience.
When you have cancer, talking to someone who has had a similar cancer experience and understands what you are going through can be helpful and reassuring.
All of our volunteers are specially trained to provide telephone support, have recovered from a similar cancer experience and are supported by health professionals. They can listen to you and share their experiences and ways of coping.
You may have lots of questions regarding the cancer journey such as, what chemotherapy is like, working through treatment, making decisions about treatment options or how to cope once treatment has finished.
Cancer Connect is available for people newly diagnosed with cancer, those undergoing cancer treatment and for people having trouble with cancer survivorship issues.
If you would like to talk to a volunteer or would like further information about Cancer Connect please call Cancer Council 13 11 20.
Cancer support groups offer mutual support and information for people with cancer and often to their families. Many people who have attended a support group say it can help to talk to others who have gone through a similar experience. Others have commented that being around people who understand can help overcome the sense of isolation they had experienced. Support groups can also offer many practical suggestions and ways to cope.
There are many cancer support groups available in and around the ACT that may be suitable for you. Cancer Council also runs a number of telephone and internet support groups. Call 13 11 20 or click here for a list of cancer support groups that we are aware of in the area.